Things You Need To Know Before Bringing a New Pet to Your Home
Bringing a new pet into the home can be wonderful. It’s a special time for you and the family, especially when it’s the first time. Unfortunately, many pet owners are unprepared for the journey ahead. As a result, the animal suffers. It takes a lot of hard work to care for a household pet and there will be fun times and frustrating times. Bringing a new pet into the home can be nerve-wracking, but if you know a few things, it’ll be a lot easier for everyone. So, what do you need to know?
Educate Yourself on the Breed
While you might not think educating yourself on the breed you’re about to bring into the home is necessary, think again. Let’s say you wanted a family pet and your daughter saw an adorable Pit-bull Terrier puppy at the local pet store. You know little about animals in general and virtually know nothing about the breed. Unfortunately, this type of dog has a fairly negative history. It can be an aggressive animal and has been known to attack people. You don’t do any research on the breed and a few years later, it bites your child severely.
Simple research on the breed might have changed your mind on the Pit-bull, especially when you have children at home. It goes the same for any animal, cat, dog, hamster, guinea pig, or rat. If you don’t know about the breed you can’t be sure it’s the safest for your home. What’s more, it isn’t just for your safety, but for your animals as well.
Pet-Proof the Home – Outdoors and Indoors
Inexperienced pet owners believe as long as they have a fence outside, their new pet will be safe. Unfortunately, the interior of the home isn’t pet-proofed and that could spell disaster. Remember, pets explore and when they are brought into a new environment, they can be nervous. They’re likley excited, scared, and a bit anxious, and they may get into things they aren’t supposed to. For example, cats may claw sofas, dogs could get into unsecured cupboards, and rabbits might chew through electrical cords.
To avoid these issues, you need to pet-proof the home. This is as much about protecting the animal as it is about the home.
It is Time-Consuming
Whether you adopt a puppy, kitten, hamster, or horse, they are going to take up a considerable amount of your time. Pets aren’t playthings for you to pass the time when there’s nothing else to do; they are for life. For example, a dog can live twelve years. You have to be prepared to care for them and be a responsible pet owner for the rest of their lives.
Regular Veterinary Care Is Required
Pets require routine health checkups and that means added expense. If you’re bringing a new pet into your home you have to be prepared for the financial side of it. For instance, you’ll have to pay for their veterinary visits. Any emergency treatments will also be your responsibility. And, if they injure someone or cause damage to property, that falls on your shoulders. You have to be prepared to take on those responsibilities.
Be Prepared
Household pets are a part of your family. When you introduce them into the home for the first time, things might be bumpy. And, there will be times when the animal doesn’t do what they’re told. You have to know how to handle a pet with care and how to be a responsible pet owner.