Just like home insurance and auto insurance, life insurance is absolutely essential in today's world, especially for those who have dependents and loved ones relying on their income to live each and every month.The best life insurance policy can protect your loved ones if you pass away unexpectedly, ensuring that they can continue to cover their usual living costs, take care of any debts that you might leave behind, and grieve without the stresses and worries of new financial burdens.Haven is one of the many life insurance companies out there, and our Haven life insurance review will tell you all you need to know about this company and what it has to offer.
Founded in 2015, Haven is a relative newcomer to the world of life insurance but is already establishing itself as a name that people can rely on. With high coverage amounts, cheap premium, and an easy application process, there’s a lot to love about the service Haven is offering.
It’s not for everyone, as Haven doesn’t offer life insurance to those aged over 65 and it doesn’t offer whole life coverage either. However, the company does provide two different term life insurance packages and aims to appeal to modern, 21st century people who just want an easy and painless process to get themselves insured.
While some of the older and more traditional businesses in the life insurance industry require new customers to wait several weeks before getting approved as well as undergo lengthy tests and exams, Haven gives you a much simpler and faster choice.
As stated above, Haven offers term life insurance for those up to 64 years of age. Those aged under 60 can apply for up to $3 million of coverage, while those between 60 and 64 years of age can request up to $1 million of coverage.
There are two main life insurance policies sold by Haven: Term and Simple. Term is the flagship product, being one of the best options out there for families. It’s easy and convenient to purchase, but you may need to go for a medical exam to confirm your current state of health.
The Simple plan, on the other hand, lives up to its name by being even simpler to obtain. You won’t need to do a medical exam of any kind to get this plan, but you’ll have to pay a little more for the privilege of avoiding these exams. You also won’t be able to get such a high coverage amount because the maximum limit is set at $500,000.
Regardless of the option you choose, you’ll be buying from a trusted and proven company with premiums starting as low as $13.45 per month and a very easy digital application processes that can be completed in under half an hour. Haven also offers a range of terms ranging from five to 30 years to suit the needs of all.
Read more to learn about Haven and its policies, and click ‘Apply Now’ when you’re ready to continue.
Read more to learn about Haven and its policies and click ‘Apply Now’ when you’re ready to continue.
Haven will then show you all the criteria you need to qualify for its coverage, and as long as you meet the requirements you can start entering some basic information to get started.
You’ll need to enter some basic details like social security number, height, weight, address, personal medical history, and so on.
Once you’ve entered all the information, Haven will present you with accurate quotes and instruct you on the next steps. If you choose the Simple plan, you can sign up right away. If you opt for the Term plan, you may need to go for a medical.
Once you’ve entered all the information, Haven will present you with accurate quotes and instruct you on the next steps. If you choose the Simple plan, you can sign up right away. If you opt for the Term plan, you may need to get a medical exam.
Haven is an excellent life insurance policy provider with a lot of positives to take into account. Simplicity, affordability, and convenience are big aspects of what Haven is all about, and this company goes out of its way to make things easy for all. The only real downside is that you might have to go for a medical exam, but this minor inconvenience is balanced out by Haven’s fairly priced premiums and flexible plans.