is very different from your average car insurance company. Rather than sell insurance policies, they compare car insurance rates and provide you with the best options that will suit your needs. is an auto insurance agency affiliated with several insurance companies. Think of them as a marketer helping to drive relevant customers to auto insurance companies for a commission. The best thing about them is that they partner with only the top auto insurance companies in the business. This adds a level of reliability that you will be referred to an accredited and licensed insurer with the best insurance policies.
Like most auto insurance comparison websites, provides consumers with a free quote. To get the quote, you will have to answer several questions. These include private information, but don’t worry, holds a BBB certification and its website is McAfee secure so your information is always safe.
To get started, you can go to their official website and start the process or simply call the customer care line to have an agent walk you through. On the website, the steps are easy. There are many questions to answer and it may take a few minutes to get them done. It is best that you answer all the questions correctly to enable you to get the best auto insurance deal.
When filling the questions, you will come across certain queries like the model of your car and the year it was manufactured. You will also be asked about your credit score, the number of drivers using your car, and other relevant information to help you get a better auto insurance policy.
Once you’re done with the application, you will be asked to provide your phone number and email address so that you can receive more quotes. With the application process completed, will submit your information to several insurance companies and show you the results. You can go ahead and pick the insurer with not only the best rate but also the best policies.
If you’re not satisfied with what you see, you can head back to your mailbox and browse through quotes from other auto insurance companies. insurance coverage is focused on cars only, but you can also get home insurance quotes if you want. They accept many brands of cars including indigenous brands like Cadillac, GMC, Chevrolet, and foreign brands like Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Hyundai, Nissan, and Honda. also covers old cars including those from the 1980s, however, you are less likely to get a good insurance plan with an old model car.
New cars can get you better coverage especially if you have a good credit score to go along the automobile.
There is no precise method to determine just how much auto insurance would cost you if you go through You will simply have to fill out the applications and check the rates available. For example, insuring a 2016 Toyota Camry LE with no DUI or tickets, and a good credit score would cost you between $123 to $160.
You may get a discount from an auto insurance company if you add another vehicle. This discount could be up to 20% or more depending on the type of vehicle you have and the other details you provide while answering the questions.
However, insurance companies do offer discounts of their own even when you go through Another example is GEICO. This insurance company has been rated among the top 10 auto insurers in the USA for a while. If you sign up for any of their insurance policies through, you could get as much as 15% credit for the full term.
While these discounts are great, they do come with restrictions. These restrictions could be on the states accepted, the credit score accepted, and the car brands accepted. Note that some discounts come with an expiry date and you can only claim them while they are still valid.
Overall, is a great option to try out if you don’t want to check out every auto insurance company one after the other till you come across the best one. The agency is affiliated to the best auto insurers in the USA and will give you access to all the right information without you having to stress yourself about it.