Life is unpredictable, and you might find yourself in a situation where you need a little extra cash, as quickly as possible. Maybe you have urgent and unexpected medical bills to pay or repair costs for your home. When this happens, a personal loan can help out, and LoansUnder36 is a great site to turn to, perfect for smaller loans that can be delivered quickly and conveniently into your account. Our LoansUnder36 review will tell you all you need to know.
LoansUnder36 is a loan comparison site where you can find smaller personal loans, ideal for quick cash injections for immediate bills, payments, and projects. As the name implies, it offers loans under 36% APR and up to $35,000. The company itself was founded in 2014 in Boca Raton and is fully free to use, letting you quickly and easily get quotes from hundreds of different lenders across the country.
In the same way that you might use a car insurance broker or comparison site to find the best rates on your car insurance, LoansUnder36 is a loan brokerage that allows you to find the perfect personal loan from various lenders. The site takes information from the user and offers them several quotes to compare in a matter of minutes.
Using LoansUnder36 is really simple, and this is a big selling point of the service. You don’t need to spend hours grinding through form after form and visiting lots of different sites in order to compare your options; LoansUnder36 lets you get a range of quotes delivered in mere minutes, and it won’t harm your credit score in any way, as the site only runs soft checks.
LoansUnder36 is fully free to use, although you may have to pay fees later on with the lenders if you choose to take out loans with them. You’ll never need to pay for using LoansUnder36 in any way.
You can find personal loans from a lot of different lenders via LoansUnder36, with varying terms, rates, fees, and amounts. Find out more about the type of loans you can get below:
Amounts – You can get loans from as low as $100 right up to $35,000 on LoansUnder36. This is a great site to choose from if you only need a small loan of a few hundred dollars.
Fees – There are no fees to worry about when making use of the LoansUnder36 service, but fees may be applicable on any loans you end up taking out.
APR – As the name of the site implies, APR will never exceed 36% on LoansUnder36. It ranges from 5.99% up to 35.99%.
Terms – In terms of repayment terms, you can find loans on this platform that need to be paid back between one month and 24 months, so it’s a good choice for short-term loans.
As explained throughout this review, LoansUnder36 works with lots of different lenders who all have their own eligibility requirements regarding things like credit score and credit history. In order to use LoansUnder36 in the first place, you need to be aged 18 or older, have US citizenship or residency, and have an active bank account with a regular source of income. If you have a poor credit score or low income, you won’t be able to apply with certain lenders in the network.
LoansUnder36 is a relatively new company in the lending world, but it’s already established itself as a name that can be trusted. It has a really great privacy and security policy in place, so you can be sure that your personal data will be treated with care. The company, unfortunately, doesn’t have much in the way of customer support, however, without any live chat windows or phone lines you can contact. Instead, LoansUnder36 encourages users to contact lenders directly with any queries.
Overall, it might not be ideal for larger or more long-term loans, but LoansUnder36 is just right for those smaller loans you may need for things like new cars, repair costs, special occasions, and so on. It’s free, easy to use, accessible to all, and can help you save a lot of time and money on your loan applications.