Comparison shopping for car insurance makes you save on costs. Of course, you would be looking for the best deal, that’s why you’re doing it. On your search, you may resort online for the services of any auto insurance quote comparison websites. However, those sites cannot sell you insurance. What they do, on the other hand, is sell your personal information and details to insurance companies and brokers.What’s so different about Gabi? This website is unique in that it is a fully-licensed insurance broker in the 50 states of the country, along with D.C., and its business is getting drivers insured other than comparing quotes for them. They’re not just selling leads. Doing business with Gabi can in fact make you save $961 a year.
Gabi handles everything when you let them do the comparison shopping on your behalf. This website primarily offers true concierge service, in that they will locate the best price, get in touch with the insurance company, and have your policy arranged.
If you have questions and want to talk with them, you can do so over the phone. You can go through the whole process of the car insurance comparison and purchase by way of the website’s online app, by email, or through text as well.
You Can Save On Costs By Comparing Auto Insurance Rates
You don’t have to carry on with the effort of comparison shopping because Gabi will do the job for you. Gabi does so by letting you link your existing insurance account. When you do, Gabi will then be able to instantly analyze your policy so that they can determine the details about your coverage, your vehicle, and the drivers included in your policy.
Then Gabi looks for a cheaper rate that nonetheless includes the same or better coverage offered by other insurance companies. Given a few minutes, you’ll then know if you’ve acquired the best deal, or if you need to switch so that you can save money.
Gabi is a credible and high-quality car insurance comparison tool, but other than that, it also looks for renters and provides home insurance quote comparison services. Through these, you’ll be able to determine if you can save on your budget by packaging your auto and home insurance together, or if you can cut on costs by purchasing them from two different companies.
Basically, your chosen insurance provider is an important factor, but there are many other factors that can affect your insurance rates at the same time. These are:
Age and Gender
Young drivers have the tendency to be riskier, that’s why age significantly impacts your insurance rate. Gender, in the same way, plays a vital role, but it is not necessarily a crucial factor.
Driving History
Consider your driving record, because you’ll end up paying more if you’ve had numerous recent traffic violations or accidents.
Insurance Coverage
Your premiums will directly be impacted by the types, limits, and deductibles of your insurance coverage. Ultimately, you need to decide on getting more coverage and lower deductibles, or else a lower cost.
Where do you live? This will affect your insurance rates because some geographic regions have more frequent cases of vandalism, theft, and accidents.
Type of Car
It is more expensive to replace and repair a luxury car than a run-of-the-mill vehicle. The former therefore cost more to insure. If your car has built-in safety features and anti-theft devices, a discount may be applied to your insurance.
Credit Status
If you have a poor credit history, your home and auto insurance rates are likely to be higher, as practiced in most states.
These are the basic factors that can impact your insurance rates, however, different insurance providers may place different importance on the influence of each of them. That’s why premiums may vary from one insurance company to the other even if you are purchasing an equal amount of coverage.
You can use Gabi to determine if you are overpaying and need to change your insurance provider, or if you should stick to your current one. In any case, you can apply the following tips to lower your car insurance rates:
Check out if you can save money by bundling your car and home insurance from the same provider.
You can increase your deductible, or otherwise lower your coverage limits or types. Note, however, that this trade-off can affect the amount you receive should you need to file a claim.
Ask about the discounts that you can possibly avail of from your insurance provider, in which case, you might be qualified for some.
Insurance rates may change over time, so it makes sense to look for quotes once or twice a year so that you can save on costs.
Sign-up with Gabi to compare rates, and it’s an absolutely hands-off approach that offers you convenience and credibility. Even if Gabi isn’t able to find a better deal for you today, they will keep on comparing car insurance rates and inform you if something cheaper becomes available.