If you find yourself in need of some extra money to cover unexpected or unplanned costs, it's important to choose the right lender. There are a lot of banks and private lenders out there who can offer you loans, but rates, terms, and specifics can vary wildly, and you often have to be willing to put in extra effort to find the best value loan for you. AmOne can help with this, letting you compare quotes from a myriad of providers in mere minutes. Our AmOne review will show you how it works and help you see if this company is worthy of your time and attention.
AmOne is an established broker with its headquarters in Foster City, California. Founded back in 2005, this company has been around for quite some time already and has helped a lot of people get the financial assistance they need, through everything from personal loans to debt consolidation, business loans, credit cards, and more. It’s helped customers acquire billions of dollars in funds since being founded, offering its services totally free of charge.
As explained above, AmOne isn’t a lender. It doesn’t offer loans directly. Instead, it serves as a middleman between you and a range of credible lenders operating across America. You can use AmOne to get quotes from these lenders in minutes, saving a lot of time compared to the lengthy process of filling out applications with each and every one of them.
The process of using AmOne is very simple. All you need to do is answer some questions and provide some details about your personal and financial situation. From there, the AmOne algorithm will take the data you supplied, work out which lenders and loans might be best suited for you, and then present you with a series of quotes from those lenders.
Once that’s done, all you need to do is compare your options and pick a loan to apply for. It’s a convenient choice for people from all walks of life wanting to finance projects or get cash quickly, and there are no real limits on what you can use the money for or what level of personal loan you’re looking for when you choose AmOne.
AmOne works with a trusted network of lenders, so the exact terms, rates, and fees associated with the loans varies depending on which lender you choose. Here’s how it all works:
Amounts – AmOne can help you borrow anywhere from $1,000 up to $50,000 in personal loans.
Fees – There are no hidden fees to worry about when you make use of AmOne, but you might need to pay fees with a lender later on if you choose to take out a loan.
APR – In terms of APR, you can expect to pay between 3.49% and 35.99% on loans available through AmOne.
Terms – You can find personal loan terms ranging from 12 to 84 months (1-7 years) on AmOne.
Again, since AmOne works with lots of different lenders, the eligibility requirements for each one can vary. In general, however, to use the AmOne service in the first place, you should be a US citizen or resident aged 18+, and you’ll need to have a bank account and some source of steady income. You don’t necessarily need a good credit score, but you will be excluded from applying with certain lenders if your score is too low.
If you’re worried about AmOne not being a reliable service, there’s no need for concern. This is an experienced, established brand that has a lot of positive reviews and testimonials over the years. People are generally very satisfied with AmOne and the company treats all user data with due care and proper security precautions. There’s also a helpline you can contact if you need assistance when using AmOne, along with some brief information on the site, but we’d like to see the customer support section of AmOne evolve further in future.
Those who are looking for a personal loan and who want to save money and time in the process can definitely get a lot out of working with AmOne. This comparison site is simple, convenient, and totally free, so it’s a perfectly safe and sensible choice to help you get a loan at a rate that works for you.